Lesser Poland Science Center Cogiteon

The Małopolska Cogiteon Science Center was opened in 2024 and is an innovative cultural institution whose aim is to educate through play and engage in independent or team experiments. The aim of Cogiteon is to awaken the love of learning in children and young people and to develop independent thinking.

Cogiteon wants to unleash potential through cooperation between representatives of various fields: science, art, education, entrepreneurship and social activity.

Cogiteon's headquarters is located at al. Gen. Tadeusz Bor-Komorowski in the vicinity of the runway of the former Rakowice-Czyżyny airport. "Man and his dreams" is the title of the main permanent exhibition. The whole thing includes over a hundred interactive exhibits, divided into five thematic sections. In addition to the permanent exhibition, the project includes laboratories and thematic workshops.

street Stella-Sawicki 26, 31-866 Kraków
e-mail: biuro@cogiteon.pl

(+48) 12-314 93 65

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